Hypocrisy in the Land of the Faithful
You know, I try not to be so bitter towards religion. I try to be understanding.
Actually, that's a lie. That's how I used to be, now I'm just put off and jaded and while I let them carry on in their own conceited little worlds just fine, anytime they cross into the public domain, I tend to not let them stay there unnoticed.
The most recent fun I've had with the debacle that is the religious portion of our society, aside from the Gay Marriage debate, is learning more about the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. This spoof on Intelligent Design was created in response to the Kansas School Board pushing ID to be taught in schools.
It is an artfully crafted argument that truly points out all the logical flaws and poorly conceived articles of creationsim. The Gosepl of the Flying Spaghetti Monster came out this year and has already seen record sales.
A great idea, a fun way to point out the truly backwards and unsupportable arguments of the faithful, and hopefully the promotion of a little more logic in the world.
What really got me though, was reading through a blog for FSM Hate Mail - honestly, some of this stuff is nothing short of stunning in its hypocrisy. Here are a few fun excerpts to look at from our compassionate friends in the Christian community. I highly reccomend you take a look at all of the hate mail, the entertainmen:time spent ratio is stunning.
You are the biggest hypocrite I have ever been exposed to; throughout your page you repeatedly assert that evolution is the only "scientific" explanation of the origin of species, yet right on your front page you say that such absurd theories as the "Flying Spaghetti Monster" should also be incorporated into public high school science curriculum. So let me explain this to you nice and slow; the Bible is the answer, it is what is to be differed to at all times; the Bible is 100% true- it says so in the Bible.
I do believe you are a fucking retard and I hope you burn in hell. Fuck you and the flying spaghetti monster. Postmodernism is a self defeating concept. Read Josh McDowell's book for a good overview of what life is truly about you dumbass humanist. You obviously think life is just a big damn joke. Its all for humor and entertainment. I look forward to the day it fucks you right in the ass. Oh the age of the earth doesn't fucking matter! Technology, hell we'd be better of without it anyways. God is not a flying spaghetti monster because only a human could think up such a dumbass retarded idea like that. Intelligent Design is observable. It does not require faith, it requires the ability to understand what irreducible complexity is along with several other phenomena that has been discovered in Science. Evolution is a conjecture. Of course, an idiot of your brain size would probably believe we came from monkeys...and quite frankly, you are probably the best evidence that Evolutionists have that human beings came from a monkey. I'm still having problems teaching my dog 2+2=4. I hope to someday prove Darwinian philosophy and be able to have my dog recite Shakespeare to me. Then I will believe Evolution is true. Until then....its all a big damn joke. Charles Darwin went insane when he was 28 anyways (didn't know that did you?) Let me put it this way to you concerning your bologna flying spaghetti monster. If we are created in the image of what you believe God to be, we would look like spaghetti. Common sense is a valuable asset. Lets try this...I'm going to go very sloooooowly for you Bobby. Retarded people...like Bobby Henderson....will burn in hell unless you give your life to Jesus Christ. Life is not hard. Neither is it a joke. But I believe that anybody with a brain the size of a peanut should be exposed for the fraud that the person is. Quite frankly, I do not know why I'm wasting my time...because you are probably too stupid to read this e-mail anyways. At any rate, I have better things to do than point out your circular reasoning within your arguments. You are a disgrace to anything that humanity or your stupid existentialistic philosophy represents.
Casey Powell
How's that for Christian compassion and kindness?
Oh oh, or how about this one? I just knew the gay argument had to make an appearence at some point!
alright man. i dont know what the heck you think you are doing. but just wait till you are standing in front of the gates of heaven. when god asks you "Why should I let you into Heaven?" what are you going to say? "let me in because i mocked you my entire pathetic life, said there was a god better than you, made of spaghetti and meatballs. let me in." right. thats the point you go to hell. you are a stupid little guy with no girlfriend, so you're depressed. writing about your fake, gay loving man whore god. to get attention. all its gonna get you is a foot so far up your a** your gonna have ingrown toenails growin out your ears. you need to stop this stuff. all you're doing is getting yourself closer and closer and closer. to hell. not heaven. not paradise. not getting laid. not having children. not having a penis. nothing. shut the heck up already. no one likes you..except your gay friends who believe all this stupid crap. and whoever they are.. i hope they use protection with eachother, along with you. tonight. oh by the way. i am having spaghetti and meatballs tonight u little prick. i think i will just throw it in the trash cause thats where it belongs. along with your fake whack religion and fake god. so have a nice day, and hope u have fun gettin raped by your spaghetti and meatball, FAKE god.
Sincerely, Seth
Or maybe this? I hope you die and I do drugs but Im still going to heaven because I worship a different invisible man than you do.
your a fuckin faggot and burn in hell. if i knew you personally id slit your throat and watch you suffer as i laugh and do a fat cocaine like off of your dead body. I would then light you on fire, light my cigerette off of the ashes, smoke weed with the fire and piss on the ashes. then i would take your ashes roll them into a blunt and smoke them. i hope you fuckin burn in hell along with everyother piece of shit on this planet. -Cory Hart
Seriously, I need to stop, Im laughing too damn hard. Read it all for yourselves folks, this stuff is pure gold and should serve to scare you a little bit concerning the nutjobs that inhabit this world alongside you and I.